Friday, 26 April 2013

To Do List

  • 5 connecting essays
  • 2 physical experiments
  • electronic portfolio powerpoint on blog 
  • 20 final pieces and printed onto glossy paper
  • overall project evaluation (1 page complete with pictures)

Friday, 22 March 2013


Today, I'm going to:

  • shoot again in the studio
  • edit the photos from wednesdays shoot
  • print the photos and add to my portfolio for unit 2
  • edit the photos from todays shoot and print and add to my portfolio
  • complete both work diaries from todays and wednesdays shoot

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

'If you like pina colada's...'


Slight soft focus shot on the issue surrounding suicide.


By the end of this lesson you will have demonstrated a clear understanding of the potential and possibilities of your chosen topic by undertaking practical work that adds to the shoots in your practical folder.

Today, I aim to shoot in the studio towards the topic of self harm and negative thoughts e.t.c To achieve this, I will use a peer to model in which I will write in thick black pen different comments and so on to relate towards the topic. This should hopefully take me under an hour to do, then in which I will edit the shots and add them to my portfolio. I want to shoot in the studio as the weather isn't particularly great today and i wont achieve enough light to get a detailed shot outside. 

Friday, 15 March 2013


Today I want to shoot in the studio, no sure what I will shoot but I need to get my shoot numbers up and editing work. I'll use my research logs for inspiration to shoot, it will include peer members though, not props.